How to find your Meridian School of English Certificate

How to find your Meridian School of English Certificate

STEP 1. Go to the school website and click on the "Login" button (top right corner of the screen): 

STEP 2. Log in to the Student's Portal with your Meridian username and your Meridian password:

STEP 3. Click on the Student name (top right corner of the screen) and click on "Learning Journal":

STEP 4. Click on "Level certificates" (bottom left corner of the screen):

STEP 5. Choose the Certificate that you want to view and click on the eye symbol:

A new browser tab will open that will show the Certifcate.
Below is an example of a Ceritifcate:

Note: This certificate is a "Certificate of Attendance".
It shows that the student has attended a course at a certain level focused on improving speaking and listening skills.

If you are having problems, please kindly contact the Customer Support Team to be assisted via the WebChat or via